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Power Of Waiting: Miracles Are Hidden Behind It Now

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Psalm 130:5 says, “I wait for the Lord, my whole being waits, and in his word, I put my hope.”
Are you in a season of waiting? Do you feel as if nothing is happening? Then join us below as we discover how seasons of waiting are filled with growth, and how YOU can know the power found in waiting!

Life in the 21st century involves a series of the “suddenly.” you Put food in the microwave and moments later you have a hot meal. Nowadays you can pull up your device and have a ‘face to face’ conversation with someone across the world instantly. Now days you can ask Google, almost any question and you can have an answer in under a second. Most people are becoming addicted to instant gratification. 

Remember you cannot blackmail God as many seem to try to do, they even go to an extend of telling God that if he is God that he must do a certain thing instantly and they don’t want anything to do with the process. They want instant anointing, instant spiritual maturity, instant wealth, but always remember that no matter your level of maturity you cannot forget God’s times and seasons.

As a young person when I was growing, I used to try so many things. One day I went to my mother’s garden after it had rained and then she had planted beans, so I found out that the bean seeds where trying to come out of the soil after germination and so I went and took a small stick and tried to  help open the ground for a few of them, so as a young person I felt that I have done a good job but wait until I came to the same garden the following day

I was so surprised that the seeds that I didn’t touch had germinated well but the ones I tried to help all had dried all because I was trying to force things. Remember things take their time to develop and you can’t force them otherwise you end up tempering with their development process.

Remember always God’s timings, seasons and even moments so that you can always emerge victories in your life’s journey.

Hebrews 5:14, “However, solid food is for mature people, whose minds are trained by practice to know the difference between good and evil.”

I don’t know anyone who likes to wait. Do you? (I didn’t think so). Waiting is hard work and, at times, can even test our faith. It’s especially difficult when there are no guarantees that our waiting will ever end in this lifetime. Desires we long for, prayers we’ve been praying, and news we’re waiting to hear can tempt us to be impatient, discouraged, to worry, and even to wonder if God cares.

During our waiting period our mind tells to “do something! Afterall, we tell ourselves that anything is better than nothing!” And, because we are a very ego-centric society, we find plenty of external voices that back up our thought process.

Remember due to our impatience and the inability to wait for things to happen according to God’s timing most of us haven sold our souls to the devil in exchange for what God could have given us if we just waited. Just imagine that most of us want to become millionaires overnight without even doing anything, no wonder many have been scammed and others have joined cults, masonic lodges, gangsterism which promises instant riches in exchange for your soul or that of your loved ones.

Many aborted dreams of life are as a result of not waiting for the full process of things to unfold.  Remember if you are not willing to wait for your Isaac then the enemy will trick you to settle for an Ismael.

Many people have lost good job opportunities and even relationships just because they couldn’t wait just a little while for the process to unfold. You couldn’t be faithful and truthful for a little longer and hence you cheated here and there and hence when it was discovered you lost it all. As you were just about to get married to the love of your life you end up cheating on him or her. In another instance where you were just about to be promoted you steal and hence as a result you get fired.

Look if you found the river swollen and because of your impatience you tried to cross it then you will know that it was worth waiting for it to subside and then cross because you might end up losing your life.

Remember that all riches and relationships that the Lord was not a part of from the beginning you cannot count on His support when things are not working. You cannot expect God to bless you and even protect your business which you started with cult money or even worse you cannot expect God to bless your marriage if you just stole someone else husband or wife. Sometimes we think that God is blind or too old to notice what we are doing, that is very wrong. What you do while you wait upon the Lord is equally powerful and important as the wait itself.

A Moral Story To Teach Us That When We Go So Fast God Will Try To Stop Us.

There was this young graduate who was driving very fast to attend an interview but as he was almost late, he jumped a few stop signs along the way, then as he came to this one stop sign, he heard something like a stone that hit his car at the back, so he stopped the car and went to see what had happen,

As he was observing he saw a small girl standing nearby and she immediately said that she is the one who threw that stone and when he inquired why she did this, she said that it because she wanted to draw his attention so that he can stop and wait so that he can help her crippled as well as blind mother cross that busy road as she had tried without success. The man felt pity and helped the old lady although it meant that he has to wait a little bit which looked like he lost valuable time.

After helping them he jumped into his car and started driving and just around the corner he found that a truck had collided with the car that was behind him which overtook him when he was trying to help that girl, so just imagine this never happened to him then at the speed, he was travelling at it would have been him. So, this wait saved his life, indirectly.

You don’t need life to throw all manner of stones at you so that it can stop you, from a disaster or a catastrophe. Learn to wait as a rule.

Always remember that everything good takes time and it will come to you at the right moment and no amount of shortcut will get you the right result. When you are very impatient and not willing to wait you might miss opportunities that are lined up for you by God along your way like this driver. When you are in a hurry you might enter into wrong partnerships or even relationships and even you are not willing to take you time to study things and even know them in a better way.

When you go to visit a king or an important person expecting his or her help or advice you not just going to reach there at his or her home and force him or her to start speaking just because you are in a hurry to go back to your work it doesn’t work like that.

Have you ever visited a very important office? What did you find in their offices? One you will find a watchman to slow you down and even worse off you will find a secretary waiting for you at the front desk to farther slow you by asking you so many questions and by even giving you some forms to fill and to make you comfortable while waiting for those you are there to see. She might give you a cup of tea or a magazine or even encourage you watch the tv in the waiting room. This is to tell you that you should wait.

However, when we wait in patience—trusting God to lead us even when it feels like we are stationary—we often find that it allows us to leave the “waiting room” a little sooner. It also causes the time spent waiting to feel more joyful, and brings us into alignment with God…

patience is key

“But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.”—Isaiah 40:31

Sometime when we are waiting for the Lord to answer our prayers, he might subject us to do certain things which look to others like they are below our standard but that is where the Lord will grow you the most in the waiting room. A seed grows most under the ground where no one sees and cares. So simply because others don’t see what God is doing God is still working behind the scenes.

However, all things have a season. There is a time for sowing and a time for reaping. There is a time for growth hidden deep beneath the surface and a time for abundant harvesting. There is a time for pruning and transplanting, creating new seasons of growth.

Waiting upon the Lord is not a sign of weakness, but it is a symbol of strength. Some of us might Look like we have lost direction and don’t even know what we are doing but believe that we are waiting for the angel of Lord to come down at an appointed time and stir up the waters of life for our miracle to happen (John 5:4). When we do these things, our waiting refines our character. It makes us into the people that God wants us to be

Today, you are likely still waiting for something in your life. You may feel stuck. You may want to fast forward this part of your life to get to the next chapter. But your time doesn’t have to be and shouldn’t be wasted in the waiting. God gives us the opportunity to grow and to prepare for all that He has for us during these times. 

Isaiah 40:31 says, “But those who wait on the Lord will renew their strength. They will mount up as wings as eagles; they will run, and not be weary; and they will walk, and not faint.”  the waiting is our training ground… for instance

Did you know that there are times that you seem to pray, and everything just seems to happen without a wait but there are other times that the Lord seems to tell you to wait because there are a number of steps which have to be achieved before you get there. Somethings in life increase their value as the wait increases such things as wines. There is an old saying that states that all good things come to those who wait.

Bible Examples Of The Benefits Of Waiting.

Abraham waited 25 years to see evidence of God’s promise. Moses wouldn’t have been ready to lead the people out of Egypt without the waiting. The nation of Israel wandered in the desert for 40 years before they could enter the Promised Land.

Joseph waited 13 years for his dreams to come true and even Jesus waited for 30 years before he started his ministry. These people wouldn’t have had the maturity to be in places of authority or handle such great responsibility if their character hadn’t been good during their waiting period. Remember that what you do while you wait upon the Lord is equally powerful and important as the wait itself. Waiting is a reality that we cannot escape. 

In trying seasons, waiting can become particularly challenging. However, Psalm 27:14 says, “Wait on the Lord; be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart; wait, I say, on the Lord!” God will strengthen our heart, body, and our very spirit when we wait on Him in the proper season. However, most of the time the Lord works with us—we do our part and he does his. But it takes courage to stand during the time of waiting

Waiting can be a powerful force in our lives, but it takes spiritual discipline to do it properly. Too often we fail to wait and as a result we take matters into our own hands. Why? Because we fail to trust the Lord, we feel that God is not going to do what we ask Him, or worse, we want to possess something he does not want us to have. You can ask amiss and not receive anything from the Lord. It is best just to leave it at that, rather than to start pursuing it on our own.

King Saul couldn’t wait for Prophet Samuel, but he failed to do so and hence he lost his kingdom. Don’t be forced to live someone else life just because you want to please them you might suffer for it. Always be yourself and be happy about it. So, ensure you travel, eat, and even live within your means as you wait upon the Lord to move you to the next level and class

Now days even some people are borrowing clothes, makeup and even some borrow cars to show off to others that they are living the life. Don’t let peer pressure push you to borrow beyond your repayment capacity just to please them. You might end up dying a premature death because of that.

Don’t be part of a journey that the Lord never spoke to you about because you are all alone. Never send yourself where the Lord has not sent you simply because you believe you. You don’t have to prove a point to anybody just move at the pace God has ordained you to.

A Moral Story To Teach Us The Power Of Waiting As shown By The Unripe Fruit.

As a young person growing up in a Christian set up, I wanted to understand better what it meant to wait upon the Lord, so I went to my pastor to explain to me what it meant. To explain this concept my pastor took me to a nearby mango tree which had many unripe fruits, so as we were standing under this mango tree, my pastor told me to look under the tree and I looked and I saw a few fallen unripe fruits, then he told me to take one of them and eat,

As I ate it, I noticed that it was sour  and not sweet so I asked Him what was the meaning of all this and He told me that this fruit had the promise of being sweet in it, if only it waited for the right time in the tree but it failed to do so for one reason or another and hence it missed that sweetness and hence it’s sourness was the result of its failure to wait in the tree.

So, my pastor told me that when you fail to remain waiting upon the Lord, and you end up missing the most valuable lesson which bring the best out of you and as a result you end up bringing the worst in you. So, you need to let every moment to ripen and bring the best fruit it carries just as a tree does.

So, let’s learn to wait for the process to unfold and bring the best of it. We need to learn to appreciate the Journey as much as the destination. We should not only be interested in the destination or the end result alone, but we should be interested in also with each step leading to the end. When you plant a seed remember that you cannot expect a ripe fruit the next day. Just like the unripe fruit is bitter so is waiting for something, but when the fruit is ripe in the course of time then you can say that it sweet.

Trusting the timing of God… not becoming complacent or failing to move when He says it is time. Being patient in the seasons of pruning, waiting, and growth, because every season is important. Our God knows all, and therefore, in Him we put our trust, knowing that our wait with God is never a waste of time.

Don’t move ahead of God instead otherwise you might die before your time. That prophecy or oil upon your head will not fail just wait upon the Lord and he will fulfil it. When I was still young in the spirit I used to curse, rebuke, and even fast against everything which I didn’t like but later in ministry I released that we need to be careful so that we are not working against the hand of the Lord

Acts 5:39 But if God is behind it, you cannot stop it anyway, unless you want to fight against God. The council members agreed with what he said, Good things take time. We can only imagine what God is preparing us for as we wait. Be prepared during waiting periods as opportunities may come unexpectedly and unpreparedness can lead to missed blessings

Get good at waiting. And don’t make matters worse simply because you can’t see what the Lord is doing. When you invite Jesus in your waiting period then you can be sure that it will be worthwhile.

“Our soul waits for the Lord; He is our help and our shield.”—Psalm 33:20.

To wait in the season God chooses is to walk in obedience. It allows us to gain the skills we require to go higher in our call, and it provides an opportunity to grow our relationship with the Lord as we seek Him.

“The Lord is good to those who wait for Him, to the soul who seeks Him.”—Lamentations 3:25

Learn to walk with God so that it is easy to wait upon Him. When you learn to hear the voice of the Lord then from that moment you seize to operate from your location and your spirit is translated to that spiritual location where you heard from Him.

Always remember that the lake is always still and clear in the morning after many hours of waiting for this to happen and you can even see the reflecting of the vegetation around it and even the blue skies but after it has been disturbed by anything then all this is lost so we need Jesus in this world so that we can see everything well as we wait upon him.

Pastor Nathaniel

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