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Spirit Of Impossibility

Proven Prayers To Destroy Spirit Of Impossibility Causing Non-Achievement

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When you are plagued by the spirit of impossibility it will mean that you have to work very hard with little to no fruit to show. This is the spirit Haggai mentioned in Haggai 1:5-6 whereby a person works and puts money into pockets full of holes. Due to this spirit, many people have lost their life savings on an incurable disease, gambling, etc. The Spirit of Impossibility ensures that you experience near success syndrome for instance you might be fired at work and lose your retirement benefits, a student might be sick in the last year of his high school, university, etc. The Spirit of Impossibility never allows you to complete your projects.

Due to this spirit, most people have chosen the wrong careers, partners, etc. and now they are living unfulfilled lives. You can look around and you will see how many people had wonderful ideas but because of the Spirit of Impossibility. ended up as failures. When this spirit is actively at work in your life or in an area of your life you might experience in real life or in a dream state the presence of rats or cockroaches in great numbers.

Brethren don’t let the devil and the Spirit of Impossibility destroy you instead destroy his works by engaging these prayer points with faith.

Praise and worship

Start by praising and worshiping for about 5-10 minutes.

Thank God for what he has done

O Lord my Father, thank you for being my God, thank you for the privilege of knowing you, thank you for always being there for me and with me. O God my Father, thank you for the great and mighty things that you are doing in my life, thank you for your provision and protection over me and my household, thank you for always answering my prayers.

Repent and confess your sins

O LORD, forgive me my sins and let the precious blood of Jesus avail for me great miracles in Jesus name. I confess my sins before you today and I ask you to forgive me on the basis of your mercy, in Jesus’ name.

Plead the Blood of Jesus (before you start praying these prayers).

O Lord wash me clean today by the blood of Jesus Christ. I cover myself and my household with the blood of Jesus.

Then start by confessing out loud this Scripture to help you to destroy the spirit of impossibility causing non-achievement.

Spirit Of Impossibility

Genesis 18:13-14 (Then the LORD asked Abraham, “Why did Sarah laugh and say, ‘Can I really have a child when I am so old?’ Is anything too hard for the LORD? As I said, nine months from now I will return, and Sarah will have a son.)

Genesis 4:12 (If you try to grow crops, the soil will not produce anything; you will be a homeless wanderer on the earth.”)

Now start praying: these prayers against the Spirit of Impossibility.

Proven Prayers To Destroy Spirit Of Impossibility Causing Non-Achievement

1. O Lord, forgive me for any sin that I have committed that has opened the door to the spirit of impossibility and non-achievement in my life, in Jesus name.

2. By the power in the Blood of Jesus Christ, I break every curse and covenant of impossibility and non-achievement that has prevented me from achieving breakthroughs in the areas of finances, marriage, career, etc in Jesus name.

3. By the power of the Holy Ghost, I release myself from the collective captivity of impossibility and non-achievement in Jesus name.

4. By the power in the Blood of Jesus Christ, let every seed, root, and branches of impossibility in my life, career, marriage, etc catch fire and burn to ashes, right now in Jesus name.

5. By the power of the Holy Ghost, let the spirit and power of impossibility in my life, career, marriage, etc be uprooted and consumed by God’s fire in Jesus name.

6. My Father! My Father! Send your recovery angels to go to the land of the living and dead and withdraw my name, picture, clothing, projects, and programmes from the altars of impossibility in Jesus name.

7. By the power of the Holy Ghost, let every altar of affliction raised up against my achievement, collapse and break into pieces right now in Jesus name.

8. By the power of the Holy Ghost, I withdraw my name and that of my family from the register of failures and non-achievements this year in Jesus name.

9. My Father! My Father! raise up the right people to help me at the right time and in the right places, so as to achieve progress, advancement, and breakthrough in every area of my life in Jesus name.

10. By the power of the Holy Ghost, I break the power of non-achievement operating in my family, workplace, residence, and neighborhood, as a result, this year will be my year of fulfillment, achievement, and enlargement in Jesus name.

11. By the power in the Blood of Jesus Christ, I cancel all the consequences of any evil family name attached to me that is causing non-achievement in my life, career, etc in Jesus name.

12. By the power of the Holy Ghost, let every inherited problem of non-achievement from my father’s household or my mother’s household hindering my progress, be consumed by fire in Jesus name.

13. Pray in tongues for around 15 minutes for the Holy Ghost to connect you with your warring angels to help destroy the spirit of impossibility causing non-achievement.

Pastor Nathaniel.

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