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ToggleRemember where you see a sign it means a believer has passed there. So why do we need them? Have they stopped with the prophets? Are there signs for today’s generation? Are you sure that I am in the right place in life? do I need one to confirm this? These are a few questions in our minds as to why we think we need a sign from God.
A sign is just a tool in the hand of a believer to demonstrate what his God can do if given an opportunity. A tool can’t make you a good worker if you are not, and it can’t make you a good believer if you are not. A sign is like makeup to a believer; if you are ugly, makeup won’t make you beautiful. The same applies if you are not a believer; a sign won’t make you a believer.
God has never changed; he is the same Hebrews 13:8 God still has been doing signs and wonders for his people. They came in two ways one to confirm that God has sent you as a believer to your fellow brethren (Exodus 33:12), and the other type of a sign for God to prove to you a point. This shows unbelief. Yes, signs are for unbelievers and not believers (1 Corinthians 14:22). Especially if we keep chasing after them as many worldly people do.
Remember, even during the times of Jesus, the people wanted a sign and Jesus knew it so he replied to I know you have followed me because you needed a sign (John 6:14,30).
According to 2 Kings 20:8-10 Kings and leaders were used to asking for a sign, not out of a sense of unbelieve but from a point of checking whether they were truly in right standing with God. For them, it was like a signatory move that God is behind them (Judges 6:36-40), so that is why they should follow us and not the other way around.
Examples Of Bible Characters Who Received A Sign From God.
Moses was given a sign when his rod turned to a snake and another one was when his hand showed leprosy.
Gideon the Fleece Judges 6 wanted confirmation that his mission was the will of God
Gehazi unbeliever saw armies on the mountain for him to believe
Pharaoh needed many signs to ever start believing.
Johan and the rough sea sign that he was lost and not on God’s radar
David being appointed King the sign was the oil had to come from the horn as an indication of confirmation
Elijah and the Baal prophets, fire had to come from heaven to confirm who is the true God
Some people need a sign to keep them on track, to bring them back on track and to take them out of a bad situation just like the prodigal son eating with pigs was the indicator he needed to come back to his senses.
If you keep proving yourself to a person or a group through a sign you will do it so many times.
Jesus in John 10:37-38 said even if you don’t believe me believe in the miracles I do. Most people can’t finish their prayers without asking for a sign if only God could do this or that. They only see God from a perspective of what they can get from him and not what they can give.
God is not against asking for one or testing him in this way. But only for a good reason in line with his word or to build his kingdom. Like giving a 10%(Malachi 3:10)
Many people spent their time chasing after signs and wonders and not after the messiah. They forgot that the signs should chase after them (Mark 16:17) So, they miss the blessing God has for them because they narrow God to their narrow way of seeing things. They forget that God’s ways or thoughts are above ours so why help God think.
According to 1 Corinthians 2:4, We did not come with empty words we can’t back with power. If the sign is for the sake of the kingdom or to grow you God will send people along the way, and scriptures will jump out of the bible to confirm what God wants from you and you will hear it from people.
What makes many of us ask for one is impatience. We are not willing to wait for Gods processes and the time involved. We don’t want to grow into things, and instead, we want to force them at all costs and hence the devil trap us with false signs. Remember you trap something with what it likes most. No wonder false miracles and wonders are on the increase 2 Corinthians 11:13-15
We ask for a sign because we already know what the answer is and we want God to confirm that answer by any means necessary and that is when the devil can give a false sign. After all not all of them no matter how powerful they are from God.
Don’t ask for a sign if what you are doing is against the will of God. God won’t answer and that is when the devil might come in with an answer packaged as the answer you wanted.
Dangers of getting used to a particular sign.
According to 1 Kings 19:11-13 Remember when Elijah thought God was in the thunder but wasn’t there. So, if he only believed in one sign or one way of God speaking to him, he would have missed him or given up.
Some of us ask for a sign because of our unbelief. Even if we receive it, we won’t still believe and we will still keep on asking for more of them due to our unbelief. For instance even after Thomas had seen all the miracles Jesus did during those 3 years, he still needed one to make him believe so he touched Jesus’ side. Many people say to themselves “I won’t believe all the testimonies I am hearing I need them to happen to me and then I will believe.“
Signs follow me wherever I go I don’t need to force them they are like my shadow. You don’t beg it to follow you. It happens automatically you don’t need to do anything. I don’t need to look for them even when times are tough, they are still there in good times and bad times. No one needs to convince me about that its guaranteed.
According to Luke 4:12 let’s not put our God to the test, Remember Matthew 16:1-4 where they wanted to test Jesus for all the wrong reasons.
Act 1:21-26 shows which of this and they cast a lot to get an answer. Here they wanted to do the will of God. Have you found yourself in any of this situation where you needed a sure answer otherwise something could go wrong. Show me whether this right man for me? Right Job? And the list goes on and on. Its ok to not know the answer but still trust that God is working behind the scenes and he got this situation under control. Believe him to do good just as we believe the wind exists and we don’t ask proof of its existence, bring some wind or air and I will believe.
2 Cor. 12:7-10 you might ask for a sign or be given one by God which is not what you expected and now you might start fighting against it but God might be saying hang on there, trust it me, I want to grow a certain character or thing in you, so trust me the more Job in the bible.
Our biggest problem is we want to pass our responsibility of making a decision or acting on a decision made to someone else, so that if the outcome is not what we want or is bad we can blame it on something or someone, for instance, Adam said that the fruit was given to him by Eve.
We lack faith to step out and do what God wants us to do so we take along others in case we fail so that we can blame them, it is no wonder we need a sign.
Why we need a sign is because we have already fallen into the trap of wanting to be told what to do by someone( a role model) or something (it could be a radio or TV or Horoscope or Superstitions(omens)). Let’s say you see a rainbow or a shooting star after a romantic date it doesn’t mean you should get married. If the ‘sign’ contradicts the bible its demonic since it should agree with the bible principles (Mathew 26:53-54 ).
In most cases a sign is confirmed by one or more people. Like you were thinking of singing for God and the worship leader asks you to join the church choir. For instance, the disciples wanted one as to who would betray Jesus (John 13:25-26)(John 18:3).
Every sign God gives to you will only bring more clarity and not confusion to what he is saying afterall God is not a God of confusion (1Corinthians 14:33).
Stay away from those who interpret this sign for you because they draw you away from God to themselves. Deuteronomy 18:10 Let no one be found among you who sacrifices their son or daughter in the fire, who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft,
Pastor Nathaniel