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Spiritual wells

Spiritual Wells: 25 Sure Prayers To Redig Them Now

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I want to thank you if you brought a shovel tonight, a spade, or some digging tool. After all, God creates the water, and we dig wells.

What Do You Mean By Spiritual Wells?

What I mean by a well is your spirit or your soul. A well is my spirit. It’s my soul. A well represents an opportunity! A well may appear small in size, yet it is connected to a vast underground supply. God is the only one who opens your spiritual eyes to see these wells.

Genesis 21:19 Then God opened her eyes and she saw a well of water. So she went and filled the skin with water and gave the boy a drink.

Wells are not necessarily about the location but more about a portal or a bridge between our world and the unseen world, which, if open, then tends to release certain blessings based on what the people who were digging were wishing to have. After opening the well or the bridge, it tends to attract certain angels and blessings that are brought by those angels.

Was it the water only or something more than the water, but it was searching for the portal connecting you to what you want from heaven. Yes, you can see it and even taste it in the spirit, then you open a well to tap it and bring it here on earth.

Spiritual Wells had names.

By then, wells were given names by the person who dug them depending on the location, the kind of water they produced, and also the kind of fortune the owner got.

For instance:

  • Genesis 26:19-20 Isaac’s servants also dug in the Gerar Valley and discovered a well of fresh water. But then the shepherds from Gerar came and claimed the spring. “This is our water,” they said, and they argued over it with Isaac’s herdsmen. So Isaac named the well Esek (which means “argument” or “enmity.”).
  • Genesis 26:21 Isaac’s men then dug another well, but again there was a dispute (quarrel) over it. So, Isaac named it Sitnah (which means “hostility” or “Hatred.”

Genesis 26:22 He moved away from there and dug another well. There was no dispute (quarrel) about this one, so he named it. Isaac named the place Rehoboth (which means “open space” or “broad places” or “Lots of Room” or “Freedom.”), He said, “Now the LORD has given us enough room and freedom to live in the land, and we will be

Let Us Pray:

1. O Lord, protect me as I walk this path of re-digging old spiritual wells. Guide me and keep me from falling into traps or distractions, in Jesus name.

2. Heavenly Father, as I redig these spiritual wells, transform me from the inside out. Let my heart, mind, and spirit be renewed by Your presence, in Jesus name.

3. In the mighty name of Jesus, I declare that every enemy standing against my breakthrough will be defeated by the power of the Holy Spirit.

4. Heavenly Father, where time has been lost or wasted, redeem it. Help me re-dig the spiritual wells of purpose and make the most of every moment for Your glory, in Jesus name.

5. Heavenly Father, open my eyes to see the spiritual wells I need to dig in my spiritual life. Guide me as I seek to renew the gifts and blessings You have already given, in Jesus name.

6. Heavenly Father, let every well of worship that has been filled with spiritual dirt be cleared and restored in Jesus’ name.

7. In the mighty name of Jesus, I cancel every evil decree that has been spoken over my life, my family, and my blessings.

8. O Lord, remove every distraction that has drawn me away from You. Help me focus on re-digging the spiritual wells of intimacy and closeness with You, in Jesus name.

9. O Lord, let every spiritual Philistine that has filled up my spiritual wells be removed by fire in Jesus’ name.

10. O Lord, grant me wisdom to understand the promises You’ve spoken over my life. Guide me as I dig into those promises and claim them anew, in Jesus name.

11. Heavenly Father, release Your angels to fight on my behalf and to remove every spiritual blockage, in Jesus name.

12. O Lord, You are the source of living water. Help me rediscover the joy and depth of Your presence. Unblock every hindered place in my life, and let Your Spirit flow freely again, in Jesus name.

13. Heavenly Father, give me the strength to keep digging, even when it’s hard. I trust that You will refresh me as I persevere, in Jesus name.

14. O Lord, restore the spiritual wells of purpose that have been blocked by disappointment and frustration, in Jesus name.

15. In the mighty name of Jesus, I come against every spirit of confusion that is trying to block my vision and understanding of God’s purpose for my life.

16. In the mighty name of Jesus, I declare that the spiritual wells of prayer and intercession will be re-dug, and I will experience deeper communion with You.

17. Heavenly Father, I rebuke fear in Jesus’ name. Where fear has blocked the flow of Your Spirit, help me re-dig spiritual wells of courage, faith, and trust in You, in Jesus name.

18. O Lord, I break every curse that has been placed on my spiritual inheritance. Let the wells of blessings be restored in Jesus name.

19. Heavenly Father, remove every spirit of stagnation and dryness that has filled up my spiritual wells in Jesus name.

20. O Lord, remove any bitterness in my heart that has blocked the flow of Your Spirit. Help me forgive and release, re-digging wells of peace and freedom, in Jesus name.

21. I decree and declare that by the power of the Holy Spirit, I will see the wells of blessing, purpose, and destiny re-dug in my life in Jesus name.

22. I declare that the ancient wells of blessings in my family will no longer be blocked. I reclaim them in Jesus’ name.

23. O Lord, I rebuke every spirit of lukewarmness in my worship. Let the fire of my devotion be reignited in Jesus’ name.

24. Heavenly Father, I claim every blessing that has been lost, stolen, or delayed due to a blocked spiritual well. I call it forth in the name of Jesus.

25. In the mighty name of Jesus, I declare that the rivers of living water will flow from within me once again.

Pastor Nathaniel.

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