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Spiritual Well

Spiritual Wells: Why We Redig The Old One Now

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I want to thank you if you brought a shovel tonight, a spade or some digging tool. After all God creates the water and we dig wells.

What Do You Mean By Spiritual Wells?

what I mean by a spiritual well is your spirit or your soul. A spiritual well is my spirit. It’s my soul. A well represents an opportunity! A spiritual well may appear small in size yet, it is connected to a vast underground supply.

God is the only one who opens your spiritual eyes to see these wells.

Genesis 21:19 Then God opened her eyes and she saw a well of water. So she went and filled the skin with water and gave the boy a drink.

Wells are not necessarily about the location but more about a portal or a bridge between our world and the unseen world, which if its open then tends to release certain blessings based on what the people who were digging were wishing to have. After opening the well or the bridge, it tends to attract certain angels and blessings that are brought by those angels.

Was it the water only or something more than the water, but it was searching for the portal that connected you to what you want from heaven. Yes, you can see it and even taste it in the spirit then you open a spiritual well to tap into it and bring it here on earth.

Spiritual Wells had names.

By then wells were given names by the person who dug them depending on the location and the kind of water they produced and also the kind of fortune the owner got.

For instance:

  • Genesis 26:19-20 Isaac’s servants also dug in the Gerar Valley and discovered a well of fresh water. But then the shepherds from Gerar came and claimed the spring. “This is our water,” they said, and they argued over it with Isaac’s herdsmen. So Isaac named the well Esek (which means “argument” or “Enmity.”).
  • Genesis 26:21 Isaac’s men then dug another well, but again there was a dispute (quarrel) over it. So, Isaac named it Sitnah (which means “hostility” or “Hatred.”)
  • Genesis 26:22 He moved away from there and dug another well. There was no dispute (quarrel) about this one, so he named it Rehoboth (which means “open space” or “broad places” or “Lots of Room” or “Freedom.”), He said, “Now the LORD has given us enough room and freedom to live in the land, and we will be prosperous here.”

What Happened In These Spiritual Wells?

Wells often serve as meeting places, sources of life, places of divine encounters, or points of dispute over resources.

 Some wells can even attract influential people to come and drink water from them.

John 4:5-12 Jesus arrived at a city in Samaria called Sychar. Sychar was near the piece of land that Jacob had given to his son Joseph Jacob’s Well was there. Jesus sat down by the well because he was tired from traveling. The time was about six o’clock in the evening. When a Samaritan woman came to draw water, Jesus said to her, “Will you give me a drink?”

Wells are place were angels are always present and ready to help

In the Bible, wells were places of connection. Most of the men in the Bible found their wives at the wells. If you remember Isaac, Jacob, and even Moses you will realize their wives were found at the well.

Genesis 16:7-10,13-14 The angel of the LORD found Hagar beside a spring of water in the wilderness, along the road to Shur. The angel said to her, “Hagar, Sarai’s servant, where have you come from, and where are you going?” “I’m running away from my mistress, Sarai,” she replied.

The angel of the LORD said to her, “Return to your mistress, and submit to her authority.” The angel added, “I will increase your descendants so much that they will be too numerous to count.” Thereafter, Hagar used another name to refer to the LORD, who had spoken to her. She said, “You are the God who sees me.” She also said, “Have I truly seen the One who sees me?” So that well was named Beer-lahai-roi (which means “well of the Living One who sees me”). It can still be found between Kadesh and Bered.

It was here that according to Genesis 25:11 After Abraham’s death, God blessed his son Isaac, who settled near Beer-lahai-roi in the Negev.

And also, it was here that, according to Genesis 24:62–66, Abraham’s servant saw Isaac’s wife Rebekah for the first time, after praying by this well.

From some wells, you might pray and receive certain things because they are available

Genesis 24:11-12,42-45 “He had the camels kneel down near the well outside the town; it was toward evening, the time the women go out to draw water. Then he prayed, “LORD, God of my master Abraham, make me successful today, and show kindness to my master Abraham. “So today, when I came to the spring, I prayed this prayer: ‘O LORD, God of my master, Abraham, please give me success on this mission.” Here I am at the well.

When a young woman comes out to get water, I will ask her to give me a drink of water from her jar. If she agrees and also offers to bring water for my camels, may she be the one that you have chosen as the wife for my master’s son.’ And before I had finished praying in my heart, there was Rebekah coming out with her jar on her shoulder, and she went down to the spring and drew water. So, I said to her, ‘Please give me a drink.’…

Re-digging Old Spiritual Wells.

If an old car was spoiled and lacked spares, and all it needed were spares, and you had them, it would work just as new.

The same principle is true if an old well was just closed due to either the equipment to get the water out breaking or it getting covered with dirt for some one reason or another. Don’t you see that it is not necessary to dig another one and waste a lot of time and resources while you only need to just investigate first to see whether that old one can be re-dug given that we have the latest technology and also equipment, in case the well is contaminated and unsafe for drinking.

Matthew 13:47-48 “Also, the Kingdom of heaven is like this. Some fishermen throw their net out in the lake and catch all kinds of fish. When it was full, they pulled it to the shore. Then they sat down, gathered the good fish into containers, and threw the bad ones away.”

In case it was shallow and with time the water level went down, then it is just safe not to abandon it and restart again; instead, we would use our more advanced equipment to dig deeper and reach the new water level again and still enjoy clean water again, compared to a person who has to restart digging again. Remember that deep underground, a supply of water continues to exist.

Matthew 13:44-47 “The Kingdom of Heaven is like a treasure that a man discovered hidden in a field. In his excitement, he hid it again and sold everything he owned to get enough money to buy the field. Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant who was searching for fine pearls and when he finds one that is unusually fine, he goes and sells everything he has, and buys that pearl.”

In Genesis 26:15 it says the following So the Philistines filled up all of Isaac’s wells with dirt. These were the wells that had been dug by the servants of his father, Abraham.

The enemy seeks to stop the wells by covering them with dirt. The wells become dry and the dry wells become prisons. Keep in mind that from the days of John the Baptist until now, the Kingdom of Heaven suffers violence, and the violent take it by force. The world you live in is dying out of thirst. The church is the well where rivers of living water flow to bring life to people.

Break through to finances, peace to families, healing to physical bodies, and freedom to souls.

In the Bible, anytime there was a well that had no water, those wells became prisons. If you remember where they threw Joseph and even Jeremiah in, it was the well that had no water.

When a person refuses to become a believer in Jesus Christ and they no longer host the presence of God, they’re well that’s supposed to be a place of the passion of God becomes a prison of the enemy. Their heart, instead of carrying the glory of Jesus, becomes a carrier of chains, troubles, and the problems of life, and sometimes even demonic influences. See, God intended your well to be a carrier of water. But if you don’t carry water, the enemy has a plan for it to turn it into a prison, where he imprisons different things.

Genesis 26:18,”And Isaac dug once again the wells which had been dug during the time of Abraham and which the Philistines had stopped up after Abraham’s death. Isaac gave the wells the same names that his father had given them.

By then, wells were given names by the person who dug them depending on the location and the kind of water they produced, and also the kind of fortune the owner got.

The location might be good but the well is blocked hence the problem.its not connected to the spirit realm which offer the blessings you need.

2 Kings 2:19-21” One day the leaders of the town of Jericho visited Elisha. “We have a problem, my lord,” they told him. “This town is located in pleasant surroundings, as you can see. But the water is bad, and the land is unproductive.” Elisha said, “Bring me a new bowl with salt in it.” So, they brought it to him. Then he went out to the spring that supplied the town with water and threw the salt into it. And he said, “This is what the LORD says: I have purified this water. It will no longer cause death or infertility or unfruitfulness or fail to produce crops.”

I believe one of the things that God is doing with our church is redigging old wells. The wells of revival that were happening even in the United States, God is bringing those back. But not only is he redigging old wells, we’re going to be also digging some new wells. We’re not just about to relive the past, we’re about to create a new future with the Holy Ghost.

And I believe that God is using today’s generation to re-dig the wells that were dug before.

The wells of healing, the wells of revival, the wells of breakthrough, the wells of deliverance, the wells of the gifts of the Holy Ghost, the wells of the mighty move of God, the wells of worship, the wells of evangelism, the wells of prayer, the wells of fasting. God is re-digging old wells using people.  For instance, one of the people who began re-digging was:

Rev. Nicholas Bengu (known as umkhulu)

He was the son of Josiah Khanda, born in 5th Sept. 1909 in Entumeni KwaZulu Natal South Africa, raised by his mother.

How He received Christ.

Nicholas Bengu grew up in the Lutheran Church. His father was a pastor in one of those churches. Growing up as a young person, he did all the things young people do, such as smoking, getting drunk, and having girlfriends.

One day he went to Kimberley with his girlfriend. While there, he heard that there is a big crusade and there are 2 young American preachers who were preaching. So, for some reason, he told his girlfriend that they should attend that crusade. When they attended, these preachers were preaching from the book of Isaiah 53. He liked the way they preached, and he almost wanted to give his life to Christ but was afraid of what others would say especially his girlfriend and also, he had never seen this doctrine of salvation preached in his church.

But after the service, he went to these preachers and asked them to explain salvation to him again and in detail, and after hearing it again, he chose to give his life to Christ. But as a young believer who has received, he was thinking in his mind that after being saved, something must happen in you. In short, he wanted to feel something in his body or spirit.

During this time one of those preachers perceived what he was thinking and asked him, if he felt anything. Then he answered him, no I don’t feel anything at all. So then that preacher asked him, do you have money in your pocket and then he answered yes, I do have money in my pocket. Then the preacher asked him whether he needs to feel something to prove that the money is there or does someone have to prove to him that the money is there. Then Nicholas responded to this preacher. I just know that its there. After hearing this explanation, faith just came to his spirit.

The following day he wanted to smoke and drink as usual but he couldn’t. He now realised that this was the assurance he was expecting. He now understood the power of salvation.

After this, he went back home and visited his church, and he tried to testify of what God had done to him, but the church was not willing to hear that, hence, they stopped him and told him that as long as you are in this world, you can not live a sin free life. Because of his beliefs, he was chased from his home town twice.

How He was called to preach the gospel. 

One day he had a vision whereby he saw a great ocean in front of him, but what was shocking was that inside this ocean were people who were bound with chains on their hands and legs, and they were crying and speaking all African languages, pointing at him to save them.

He didn’t understand most of those languages, but they were begging him to save them. He started trying to help them, but because there were so many, the more he tried to help them, the more he sank until he called unto Jesus, who appeared and then gave him the bible. Jesus told him that he should study the Bible so that he could get the power to break the chains of those people and free them from sin.

Later in life, he became an evangelist who went from place to place preaching the word of God. He founded the movement called the Africa Back to Christ Movement under the assemblies of God in the 1950s. He was one of the first black African men to preach about Christ saving people from sin. He preached the simple yet powerful message that Christ died for our sins, offering us salvation, and after salvation you can live a righteous life.

He was called the Black Billy Graham of Africa. He even prayed for Reinhard Bonnke in 1984 at Christ for all nations. He was so powerful that even in apartheid South Africa, they even made him a leader in the African wing of the assemblies of God. He had a great following in KwaZulu Natal and even in the Eastern Cape. He wanted people to be hardworking and have great faith

He was always willing to preach the gospel from Cape to Cairo at all costs, even at one point when they were on the way to preach the gospel and his daughter died, he still wanted to continue and was just willing to bury her on the way and continue.

After this he started preaching the gospel within and outside South Africa. He even attended the voice of Healing convention in USA .People were getting saved, healed, etc.

Oct. 1985, he died, but before he died, he preached a sermon going back home. He left a letter of what they should or should not do at his funeral.

How Can I Know That I Am Stuck In An Old Well.

If your memories are bigger than your dreams, you have backslidden. God wants your heart to be a well where there is a living water flowing. And if you stop that, the enemy has a plan to turn your well into a prison, to turn your life into a spiritual, emotional, mental, financial, and relational prison.

I ain’t becoming a prison to nobody. My mouth will declare His praise. My ears will hear His word. My eyes will gaze upon the glory of the Lord. I’m a place of passion. I’m a place of fire. I’m a place of living water. That’s why I will fast. That’s why I will pray.  I’m not going to become someone’s prison.  A well without water is a prison.

How To Re-dig The Old Wells.

So, what if we stop being gold diggers (constantly searching for wealth) and become well diggers? What if, you stopped building your empire and started digging a well? I know that social media encourages people to build an empire, find a queen, and live a happy life. Keep in mind that, that is what the world says. What the word of God says is dig a well, and you’ll find somebody by that well.

If many of us men chased women less and chased the Lord more, you would realize that you end up having the women chase you. Some of you will find that woman because if you have a well, you will have a woman. But there are people reading this post today who don’t need a woman. Maybe they need a contract or another thing.

Maybe you’re looking for a connection. Maybe you are looking for somebody to open a door for you. I want to encourage you in Matthew 6:33 is to seek first the well of God. And everything else you will find right at that well. Jesus says I create connections at the well. I create business connections at the well. I create contracts at the well.

I open doors at the well. So if you find yourself a right well that has a living water. You will find some people there that will forever alter your destiny.

Don’t be chasing promotion. Chases presence. Promotion will chase you. You are a sheep that follows the shepherd and the Bible says goodness and mercy will follow you all the days of your life. That means there’s some good things. Some things you don’t deserve will follow you. See the world follows those things. We as believers we find a well and things follow us.

And Philistines fill the well with dirt. Now dirt in the farm is soil but dirt in the well is dirt. If you take soil in the backyard for the flowers, it has nutrients. It’s beautiful, and its not dirty. It belongs there. It fuels the plants, the flowers. Take the same soil out of the farm and put it on your dresser. Put it on your coffee table and that soil is no longer soil, but It’s dirt. The same thing applies to sex. Put it into marriage and Its soil. Take it outside of marriage and Its dirt.

Due to this, most are not burning for the Lord but are being burned out by life. Many are just tired. Many say to themselves “Life was so simple when you had nothing going. “

The prophet Isaiah wrote, “Therefore with joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation.” (Isaiah 12:3, NKJV)
The Hebrew word translated “wells” here, also means fountains. But today, you are not here so we can condemn you. You are here so we can unplug you.

The Holy Spirit wants to unplug your well. If it’s dirt, he wants to unplug that and put the dirt back into the farm. The Holy Ghost can water your business. The Holy Ghost can water your family. The Holy Spirit can water your career. The Holy Spirit can water your ministry. He can water your children. He can water your health.

He can water the very thing you are worried about. He has the capacity to water. And that is why you have to live and unplug life so that you can live a watered life. Somebody needs to unplug themselves today. Somebody needs to disconnect themselves today. Somebody needs to shake things up today. Somebody needs to tell the devil that time has expired. Smoking has expired. Alcoholism has expired. Adultery has expired. Pornography has expired. Why? Because I have got to be unplugged. I have got to let the river flow. I have got to let the life flow.

The scripture says in Genesis 26:18 the following. So when the enemy closed the well with dirt. Isaac dug again the wells of water. Which they had dug in the days of Abraham his father. For the Philistines had stopped them up after the death of Abraham. Isaac dug up the wells again.

I believe you have backslidden:

  • If you remember days that you loved God more than you loved him today.
  • If you remember days where you pursued Jesus more than you have pursued him today.
  • If you remember time where you were committed to giving more than you are committed today.
  • If you remember time that the sensitivity to the presence of God was so real. And it’s more than today.
  • If you can remember the good old days. That’s what God says. Remember from where you’ve fallen. Meaning remember how things used to be.
  • Remember when God was your everything. Remember when you had nothing.
  • Remember the day when you were young. Maybe you were a teenager, and you grew up in a broken family and you just encountered God. And nothing else mattered except Jesus. God says remember that day.
  • The Lord says: You thought your life was horrible because you had nothing for me. But you had me. And I rejoiced in the fact that I was all you had. Remember that day.

Looking at the above points we realize that most of us have backslidden. It doesn’t matter if we are not smoking or drinking we have backslidden because we have left the Lord and our wells have been filled with dirt. But the good news is we have a shovel of the word of God and we can go dig today.

God reminds you still have the water underneath, and you can rejoice because you have salvation, and you have the Holy Spirit. But God says, I didn’t give you the spirit so you will just hide him. I gave him so you can release him. And he’s not being released into your business. He’s not being released into your relationship because he’s so plugged over there with the soil, with the compromise and with the sin. You are limiting my spirit by only keeping him to yourself.

And he’s not being released into your life. And God says today I want to unplug you. God says start digging. Repent. Meaning how do you get back to those days?

It’s very simple. In the day that you met Jesus you turned your face toward God. And automatically your back was turned toward everything else. You didn’t ignore your family. You didn’t ignore your business. You didn’t ignore your finances, your friends. You didn’t ignore them. They just went behind you not in front of you no more. God seemed to bless what was behind you more than when you turned your face toward it.

And God says repentance means this.

Turn your face back to my face and your back toward everything else. Turn your back on your family, your school etc. And God says whatever you turn your back to, I will water. But don’t turn your face toward your business, you turn your face toward relationship.

Moses has asked, Lord, I want to see your face. the Lord is saying, I want to see your face. Because it’s buried in everything else except my face. It’s buried in good things called ministry. It’s buried in good things like writing a book, the next travel gig, the next thing, the healing testament, all of this stuff. He said, your face is glued to everything.

But he said, remember the day where you had nothing to look at except my face. Your back was toward everything else. And it seems like blessings started to find you when you were not looking for them. And now your face turned toward those blessings.

I see your body here, but I want to see your face. You gave your face to everything else. remember, whatever you give your face to, you don’t have the power to water it. God can water what you turn your back to in your attempt to give your face to the Lord.

Repentance means I turn my face back to the Lord, which means my back will go to everything else. The Lord says that we turn our face toward him, and we put everything else a second. You know what the Lord says after that? He says, remember, repent. And then he says, repeat. Do the same works you did before. And on another occasion Jesus stood and cried saying, if any man thirsts, let him come unto me and drink John 7:37.

Pastor Nathaniel.

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