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Star Hunters: 55 Proven Ways To Easily Overcome Them.

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What Are Star Hunters?

Star hunters in Christianity are people who believe that everyone has a star that represents their destiny and purpose, and that some evil forces can hunt, steal, or destroy other people’s stars to hinder their progress or glory. According to some sources, star hunters can be:

  • An evil spiritual authority who could take the form of a false pastor, prophet, etc
  • An ancestral spirit working through witches
  • An unfriendly friend or neighbor who is acting out of jealousy
  • An unhappy relative this could be a parent, a spouse, or a distant relative.
  • An unhappy business competitor or a colleague at work.

55 Proven Ways To Defeat Star Hunters

star hunters
star hunters

1.    Always stay vigilant and watchful: Take a good look at your life and see how many warning signs of spiritual attacks or subtle influences of the enemy. that are recurring over a number of days or months or even years.

2.    Develop a lifestyle of confession and repentance: Acknowledge any areas where you have gone astray from God cases where you visited witches or casted mediums and sincerely repent. Ask for His forgiveness and restoration.

3.  Guard your heart and mind: Be mindful of the influences you allow into your life. Guard your heart against negative or ungodly influences, including harmful media, unhealthy relationships, or worldly philosophies. Fill your mind with things that are true, noble, pure, and praiseworthy (Philippians 4:8). Repentance brings about a renewed focus on God’s truth and aligns your heart with His purposes.

4.    Barricade your life with the blood of Jesus and the fire of Go (Hebrews 9:13-14). Use the blood of Jesus to close all the doors that opened in your life that are keeping the activities of star gazers in place in your life.

5.  Surround yourself with a supportive Christian community that can encourage and uplift you. With God’s help and the support of fellow believers, you can regain and reignite your spiritual life and passion for Christ.

6.    Reconnect with God through prayer and Bible study: Set aside time each day to pray and seek God’s presence. Dive into His Word to rediscover His truth, promises, and teachings about your star.

7.    Practice spiritual discernment in relationships: Surround yourself with individuals who share your commitment to Christ and who will encourage and support your spiritual growth. Be cautious of relationships that may lead you away from God or compromise your faith opening doors to attack by star hunters.

8 .Seek spiritual restoration: If you feel that your star has been stolen or diminished, seek restoration through going for deliverance sessions if possible. Consider reaching out to a trusted pastor, mentor, or spiritual advisor who can provide guidance, prayer, and encouragement. We do offer free deliverance.

9. Develop discernment: Seek the discernment of the Holy Spirit to recognize and expose false teachings, deceptive practices, and manipulative tactics employed by those who seek to steal your star. Always test everything against the truth of God’s Word.

10. Seek accountability: Establish accountability relationships with trusted fellow Christians who can help you stay spiritually grounded, offer guidance, and provide support. Share your struggles, temptations, and victories with them, allowing them to speak truth into your life. They can help you navigate challenges, provide wise counsel, and assist you in developing a stronger spiritual foundation.

11. Guard your spiritual gates: Be careful about what you allow into your spirit, and senses. Protect yourself from negative influences, ungodly media, and unhealthy relationships. Surround yourself with edifying and uplifting content, music, and company.

Your star
Your star

12.Seek spiritual mentors: Identify mature Christians who can mentor and disciple you in your faith. Their wisdom, experience, and guidance can help you navigate spiritual challenges and grow in your relationship with God.

13. Always engage in spiritual warfare prayers: You should develop a consistent practice of praying spiritual warfare prayers. This includes praying for protection, binding the works of darkness, and declaring God’s authority over your star. Seek guidance from the Holy Spirit in praying specific prayers against the tactics of the enemy to try and steal your star.

14. Always practice the habit of forgiveness and release: Did you know that forgiveness is a powerful tool in defeating the enemy’s attempts to steal your star. Brethren release any form of bitterness, resentment, or unforgiveness towards others, and ask God to help you extend His forgiveness to those who have wronged you. Forgiveness disarms the enemy’s influence and allows God’s healing and restoration your stolen star.

15.Develop a lifestyle of praise and thanksgiving: You should cultivate a heart of gratitude and praise, even through your star has been stolen and nothing is working. Regularly offer heartfelt thanks to God for His goodness and faithfulness. Praise and thanksgiving shift your focus to God’s sovereignty and power, diminishing the influence of the enemy.

16.Guard your identity in Christ: Remind yourself of who you are in Christ and the authority you have as a child of God. Declare and affirm your identity as a beloved, chosen, and empowered individual in Christ. Reject any lies or false identities that the enemy may try to impose on you so as to steal your star.

17.Seek spiritual renewal with God: Brethren set aside dedicated time for spiritual retreats, conferences, or retreats where you can seek God’s presence and receive fresh revelation and renewal especially on deeper spiritual matter related with the Kingdom of God. These focused times of seeking God can revitalize your spirit and provide a fresh perspective on your spiritual journey with God.

18.Always be humble and rely fully on God: When you are humble , you end up knowing that your strength comes from God alone. And as a result tend to rely on His grace, wisdom, and power rather than relying on your own understanding or abilities. Surrender your life fully to Him and acknowledge your need for His guidance and intervention especially when it comes to deeper mysteries of the Kingdom. Never forget that God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.

19. Always engage in spiritual warfare declarations: You should if possible speak out loud declarations of God’s truth and victory over your life and circumstances. Proclaim His promises, declare His authority, and resist the enemy’s lies and attacks through spoken declarations of faith. Pray assertively, renouncing and rebuking any works of darkness.

20. Seek your inner healing: Brethren it important to let the Holy spirit address any unresolved emotional wounds, traumas, or strongholds that may be hindering your spiritual growth. Seek inner healing through prayer, counseling, or deliverance ministry to experience freedom and restoration in Christ. Invite the Holy Spirit to bring freedom, healing, and restoration to any areas that have been affected by the enemy’s attacks.

21.At all time practice spiritual discernment: Seek God’s wisdom and revelation to discern the motives, intentions, and spirits behind people and situations. Discernment helps you avoid deception and navigate wisely through spiritual challenges.

22.Engage in regular spiritual check-ups: Regularly assess the state of your spiritual life through self-reflection and examination. Evaluate your thoughts, attitudes, and actions in light of God’s Word. Identify areas that need growth or repentance and take steps to address those areas.

23.Practice spiritual self-care: Take care of your spiritual well-being by prioritizing rest, Set aside regular time to seek God, recharge, and align your heart with His. Nourish your spirit through reading uplifting Christian literature, listening to sermons.

24.Always engage in intercessory prayer: When praying you should pray not only for your own protection but also for the spiritual well-being of others. Intercede on behalf of your own family, friends, church, and community, Always ask God to expose and stop the plans of the enemy to try and steal the stars of others.

25.Always cultivate a lifestyle of Thanksgiving: Brethren always develop an attitude of gratitude in all things. Regularly show thankfulness to God for His faithfulness, provision, and protection. Gratitude shifts your focus from the enemy’s attacks to your star to God’s goodness and creates an atmosphere of praise and trust in God.

26.Wage spiritual warfare through worship and prayer gatherings: Brethren it is very important to take in corporate worship and prayer gatherings where believers come together to intercede, worship, and seek God’s presence. Join forces with other believers to create a spiritual atmosphere that pushes back the darkness and magnifies God’s power.

27.Always meditate on God’s word: You should keep God’s Word in your heart by memorizing and meditating on Scriptures regularly. The Bible is a powerful weapon against the devil’s lies. Use the verses and passages you have memorized to fight the devil’s attacks through these star hunters and to strengthen your faith. during trying moments.

28.Always look for wise counsel and guidance: As a Christian you should look for t trustworthy spiritual leaders or mentors in the body of Christ who can provide you with godly guidance. Never forget that their experience and insights can help you overcome spiritual battles and provide a perspective that is in line with God’s Word.

30. Always perseverance no matter what: Recognize that spiritual battles may be ongoing and require endurance. Stand firm in your faith, even in the face of challenges or setbacks. Trust that God is fighting on your behalf, and that He will bring the victory in His perfect time.

31.Always have spiritual disciplines : Have disciplined in your prayer life, Bible study, and spiritual practices. When you have spiritual discipline it will strengthen your spiritual foundation and equips you to resist the star hunters.

32.Always remember that God protects and provides: Know that God will guard and guide you through every known and unknown battle. Rest in His promises and rely on His strength only, knowing that He is greater than those star hunters that comes against you.

33.Prayer covering is very important: Brethren it is always a wise idea to ask other trusted believers to intercede and pray for you on a regular basis. Invite them to cover you in prayer, specifically addressing protection from star hunters. The power of collective prayer can be instrumental in defeating the enemy.

34. Get more knowledge of spiritual warfare matters: So start studying and deepening your understanding of subject of star hunters through biblical resources, teachings, and books. Equip yourself with the knowledge of the enemy’s tactics and the strategies for overcoming them.

star hunters
star hunters

35.Keep your heart from spiritual complacency: Be a very passionate and devoted Christian. Avoid becoming lukewarm in matters of faith. Always pursue intimacy with God and a fervent love for Him, which keeps the star hunters at bay.

36. Live a life of obedience to God’s commands: These star hunters often targets areas of disobedience to gain a foothold in your life. But by aligning your actions with God’s commands, you close doors to these star hunters attacks and open yourself to God’s protection.

37. Make sure you do regular spiritual cleansing: You must take time to spiritually cleanse yourself through repentance, forgiveness, and renouncing any involvement with darkness. Confess and renounce any known sins, break unhealthy spiritual ties which could lead to attacks from star hunters, and seek God’s cleansing and healing.

38.Stay connected to healthy Church: You should regularly attend a Bible-believing church and actively participate in fellowship with other believers.; who will provide you with necessary support, encouragement, and accountability, which will help you to stand strong against the attacks of the star hunters.

39.Pray so that God will give you angelic protection: Ask for God’s angels to protect you from star hunters. Let God’s angels encamp around you according to psalms 34:7 and your loved ones, thwarting the plans of the enemy (star hunters ) and providing a hedge of protection.

40. Always show God’s love: You should always know that God[s love is greater than any attacks or star hunters. Be assured that you are securely held in His love, and nothing can separate you from it not even these star hunters.

41.Always do regular prayer walks as a way of engaging warfare: When it comes to prayer walks it involves physically walking through your neighborhood, community, or specific areas while praying for God’s protection, deliverance, and spiritual breakthrough from these star hunters. Pray against the works of darkness done by these star hunters and proclaim God’s kingdom to come in those places.

42.Don’t forget to engage in prophetic declarations as a form spiritual warfare: Always, release prophetic declarations and decrees that align with God’s Word . Prophesy God’s truth over your life, family, and circumstances. Remember that these prophetic declarations you are making have the power to shift the spiritual atmospheres and dismantle the works of the star hunters.

43.Lead a life of regular meaningful fasting and worship: These two are powerful tools in spiritual warfare. Make it an habit to fast so as to seek God’s face and consecrate yourself for battle against these star hunters. So, dedicate specific times to fast from worldly distractions such as social media, excessive entertainment, or material possessions. Also don’t forget to offer God quality worship as a means to exalt Him, and invite His presence, and declare His victory over these star hunters.

44.Trust in God’s timing is the best: Remember that God is in control of all things, including your spiritual battles with these star hunters. So, trust in His perfect timing even in the midst of your difficulties, believe that He is working all things together for your good and His glory.

45.Always engage in spiritual warfare by speaking blessings: Regularly speak blessings over yourself, your family, your community, and even your enemies. Blessing others aligns your heart with God’s heart and releases His favor and protection into their lives. It counters the enemy’s attacks (star hunters) and brings forth God’s goodness to your life.

46.Try to activate your spiritual gifts: You should discover and activate the spiritual gifts that God has given you. Remember that God gave everyone a gift so use yours or lose it. Use your gift to edify the body of Christ and engage in spiritual warfare. Whether it’s the gift of intercession, discernment, prophecy, or others, seek opportunities to operate in your gifts for God’s glory.

47. We should wage spiritual warfare through acts of compassion: Sow God’s love by showing compassion to others. Reach out to the marginalized, the needy, and the hurting. As you extend God’s love and bring hope to others, you push back the darkness and stop the plans of star hunters.

48.We should wage spiritual warfare through the power of forgiveness: We should show forgiveness to those who have wronged us, and by so doing we end up releasing the bitterness, resentment, or grudges in our hearts. Forgiveness disarms the enemy who might come as star hunters and allows God’s healing and restoration in return.

49.Engage in spiritual warfare through prayer vigils: Set aside dedicated times for seeking God’s face, through intercession for others, and fervently pray against the works of darkness especially the star hunters. Hold prayer vigils where you join with other believers to pray and worship throughout the night.

50.Engage in spiritual warfare by renouncing generational curses: Incase you suspect that you are facing spiritual attacks due to generational curses, seek prayer and deliverance to break them. Make sure that you renounce any generational patterns or strongholds that may be affecting your life.

51. Do prophetic acts as led by Holy Ghost as a form of warfare: Some of these prophetic acts may include actions like tearing up written curses or negative words, anointing your home with oil, or physically standing and declaring your authority in Christ.

52.Engage in spiritual warfare by binding and loosing: Use your spiritual authority in Christ to bind the works of the enemy and loose the power of God’s kingdom. Speak out loud declarations, commanding the enemy to release what he has stolen and declaring God’s victory and breakthrough.

53.Make sure you engage in spiritual warfare through unity: Always join hands with like-minded Christians in prayer groups, Bible studies, or church communities that emphasize spiritual warfare. The collective prayers and support of the body of Christ provide additional strength in the battle with star hunters.

54.At all times practice spiritual hygiene: Cleanse and protect yourself spiritually., through confession of sins, repentance, forgiveness, and seeking God’s cleansing and renewal. Maintain a consistent lifestyle of holiness and righteousness.

55.Use the victory of the cross as way of warfare: Constantly remind yourself and the enemy of the victory that Jesus accomplished on the cross. Declare the power of the cross over every area of your life, binding the works of darkness and proclaiming the victory of Christ in your circumstances.

Remember, if you notice any of these signs in your life, it’s important not to lose hope. God’s grace is available to restore and renew your star. Seek Him earnestly through prayer, repentance, and a renewed commitment to follow Him. Remember that your ultimate strength and victory come from your relationship with Jesus Christ. Stay connected to Him through prayer, worship, and the study of His Word.

With God on your side, you are more than a conqueror in every spiritual battle you face. Your power and authority over the enemy come from your relationship with God. So stay close to Him, seek His guidance and protection, and then trust in His love. As you draw near to God and resist the devil, he will flee from you (James 4:7).

Lastly we should know that, the power to overcome these “star hunters” comes from your relationship with God and your dependence on His strength. So stay connected to Him through prayer and worship. So let us completely trust in His strength, rely on His grace, and walk in obedience to His teachings. After all with God’s help and the ways we have mentioned earlier in this topic, you can by now defeat the star hunters and shine brightly for His glory.

Pastor Nathaniel.

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Praise be to God for this eye opening information. Thank you very much. It is so sad how the answers we seek are not so far away from us, but in Christ Himself. Please may God bless you richly..


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