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Altar Fire: Why Genuine Christian People Should Keep It Burning.

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Today’s communities like to eat poorly, whether physical or spiritual. No wonder most of us are sickly (1 Corinthians 11:29–31) when it comes to warfare, prayer, and interaction with heaven. Most of us don’t know how to use these mysteries like altars, keys, doors, anointings, and courts of heaven to achieve this.

Malachi 1:6-14 There is no altar without a sacrifice. In short, you can’t build an altar and expect to not offer a sacrifice whether you use fire(altar fire) or not. But tell me what quality of sacrifice are you offering to God? Just imagine what Abel offered compared to Cain.

Isaiah 1:18 says come and let us meet at a level ground called an altar. Galatians 5:16 walk in the spirit. (Come and let’s reason). The altar is the only place you exchange your weakness for God’s strength you mount up like an eagle (Isaiah 40:31)

There are certain rules which need to be met before an altar can work. Just imagine you met an angel on our territory without a body. So, angels need to have bodies to enter Earth. eg Mary’s time, manoas time and even Abram’s time.

 Just like Paul needed a special body to enter 3rd heaven (2 Corinthians 12:2). Otherwise, no other way you can connect to this realm except through an altar.

What Is An Altar And Its Fire?

An altar is like the battery that powers these things. The Life and death of people and things begin and end at an altar for example Cain and Abel, a true case in point whereby Abel died due to an altar. Covenants, curses, and blessings are activated at an altar. It’s here they are given life and legality to operate. Altars can be physical monuments (like in the Old Testament, people erected stones), persons (Saul’s prophecies Infront of Samuel), and institutions (like Jerusalem temple)

Different Types of Altars Do Different Things.

An altar can help you prosper, Abram’s prosperity was born on altars

Genesis 12:7 when you enter a certain level build an altar and When you change that level to the next level remember your first altar (Genesis 13:4).

Altars can help you fight your battles (Sodom cries Gen.8:19)

Altars can help you communicate with God.

Altars can help you Repair your relationship with God (Elijah and Baal 1 Kings 18:30-39)

What happens when the fire falls on the altar?

All altars have a fire in them. The question is why, the reason is to kill any part of the living sacrifice caused by sin. Ask yourself if what you are burning in your altar is stinking badly in God’s nose. If so how bad is it ( porn, swearing, etc)

When you receive fire from heaven for your altar then the altar becomes a transformer and hence whoever connects to this transformer is a live wire ready to fry anything demonic on its way.

There is so much we can’t achieve without going to the altar of prayer where we partner with the host of heaven.

Revelation 5:8 our prayers go up to heaven as a sweet flavor to God.

When you have an altar that speaks it becomes like a bank of offerings and that is why heaven can come down and answer our prayers. Remember Elijah wasn’t special he was just like us except he respected his altar (James 5:17-18).

1 Kings 18:26-29 Remember anyone can preach, and teach but not pray. Since we can tell how spiritually healthy you are by looking at your prayer life.

David prayed 7 times a day (Psalm 119:165)
-Daniel prayed 3 times a day
-Jesus went to the mountain and prayed, he spent the whole night praying to God (Luke 1:6)

Acts 12:5 Due to the bank of prayer an angel delivered Peter

Acts 10:1-4 All your prayers and gifts are not in vain.

Remember it is not time to quote scripture only but you must check whether you yourself are a living sacrifice laid on a fired altar (Romans 12:1-2). Otherwise, you will be making noise and there will be no one to back you.

What you know (your knowledge) will fly through the window in times of crisis, and only your altar will speak for you at that time.

2 Samuel 24:18-25 God would not be happy with an altar that cost you nothing so prepare to invest in a Good altar to harvest great things from heaven. I know the gospel is free but an altar will cost you more than you thought.

Moral Story On The Importance Of Fire In The Altar.

A Christian soldier was hiding in a cave and was saved by the spider web and not the stones nearby. This proved God’s ways are not our ways but they are the best.

Nehemiah 2:20 The God of heaven will give us success.

Two Things Happen When You Are In An altar, Once you lie on it you can lose weight of sin. The other is that you have got to clean up the altar and ensure that the fire is burning so that the lord can come in it and enjoy the sweet smell.

So, what are you doing on this altar, and is the fire burning?

Remember that in Hebrews 13:15 (All us should offer God our sacrifice of praise) and Daniel 3:16-18 Only worship God in your altar no matter what

Pastor Nathaniel

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Great work! amen



bridget alston

Your sermons are very truthful and enrich


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