Our todays message is captioned Fight For Your Destiny and it take from the book of Nehemiah 4:14 ( Then as I looked over the situation, I called together the nobles and the rest of the people and said to them, “Don’t be afraid of the enemy! Remember the Lord, who is great and glorious, and fight for your brothers, your sons, your daughters, your wives, and your homes!”)
Your Destiny is Vital to God.
Brethren you didn’t just wake up one day thinking you were called for something greater? Instead You were born on purpose and for a purpose. It no mere coincidence or result of chance. You were designed with this moment in history on God’s mind.
Your Destiny is meant to be realized and is not something that exists separate from you. Destiny is why you are who you are. But our main purpose should always be to glorify God make the name of Jesus famous.
If destiny didn’t exist, we would have no reason to long for it. We wouldn’t miss it. We wouldn’t even know that there was anything to miss!
The enemy is real, and he will do anything to hinder you from walking into your destiny. His best strategy is to keep you a prisoner to his lies and deception. He wants you to believe that you are not good enough, that you don’t have enough resources, or that you are prideful to think that God would want to use you.
You will see that is why We all have things that come against us in life, people that are unfair, a sickness that won’t seem to go away or a setback in our finances. Sometimes it is no our own fault that We were born into difficulties, parents that were not around. We wonder why am I having this opposition? Why was I was raised in an unhealthy child? It’s because there’s something in you that the enemy is trying to stop.
The Enemy knows your destiny better than you do, that’s why he wants to stop it. He will try to introduce idols into your life that will steal your passion and divide your heart. Fight for an undivided heart and go to war against anything and everything that would steal your passion, because your destiny is too important to live otherwise.
He also uses fear tactics – fear of failure, fear of people’s opinions, fear of the unknown – to cripple you from moving forward. The devil is smart and wants to stop you from realizing your purpose because, once you walk in it, he knows that you will be an unstoppable force for the Kingdom of God!
“The enemy does not attack you according to your history. He attacks you according to your destiny.”
Those bad breaks were not random. You are just unlucky, those were strategic attacks. If the enemy wasn’t threatened by you, he wouldn’t be trying to hold you back. If he couldn’t see greatness in you, he wouldn’t waste his time. Bringing those challenges when you gave your life to Christ, god has good plans(Jer.29:11). Due to your destiny you became a target to the enemy. He knows you’re destined to take new ground. He knows, God has favored you to leave your mark, so he’s going to work overtime to try to stop you many times. The enemy knows who we are even before. We realize who we are.
David as a as ordinary teenager working out in the shepherd’s fields, He didn’t have a significant position He didn’t come from wealthy family. nothing about him stood out. Due to this even his father forgot about him when Samuel came to anoint one of the sons as the next king.Why did he disrespect David and look down on him like that?.
When David took lunch to his brothers, when they were in the army, what is his oldest brother belittle him and make fun of him? Why was he jealous? David, didn’t seem like he was any threat to them, but the enemy can see things in you that you may not see in your yourself. David saw himself as ordinary, but even the enemy knew he was a giant killer. He knew he was a history maker. That’s why he came against David so strongly.
Many of the difficulties you face things that didn’t make sense, opposition that came out of no, where people that turned on you. It’s because there’s a giant killer in you there’s a history maker. You may not be able to see it now, but the enemy can see. There’s greatness in you have a new perspective. So don’t stop dreaming. maybe you’re still finding out what your dreams are. Whatever the case may be, fight for your destiny
In Mark 5:1-20 talks about a man possessed by evil spirits. No one could control him. So They sent him to the other side of the sea of Galilee where he lived in the graveyard, a deserted place. There they tried to chain him up, even though he break free sometime but had no clothes and would cutting himself and screaming.One problem after another This man didn’t look like he had much of a chance to fulfil his destiny. In his mind, society had written him. All I can imagine some nights. There were moments of sanity where he would look up and say god, please help me. Why am I so tormented God, I want to go back home.
It looked like this was his destiny. People had given up on him, but God never gives up on us. Nobody is too far gone. Don’t write your child off, don’t write your neighbor. The enemy wouldn’t be fighting them that hard. If there wasn’t something amazing on the inside of them.
Jesus after teaching told the disciples he wanted to cross to the other side of the lake where the man was at the middle of the night.Your night is over and your morning is coming. While they were on the boat, a huge storm arose. But Jesus stood up and spoke to the storm. Jesus is going to calm your storms of life. The next morning, when they arrived on the The mad man came running up to jesus, fell on his knees and started screaming. He was healed and became normal.
What’s interesting is when Jesus was on the boat headed toward the man, the huge storm that arose wasn’t random., that was the enemy trying to stop Jesus from getting to this man.
You would think the enemy would be satisfied of what he had done to him.Surely he’s no threat you’ll, never do anything great, no, the enemy knews, that this man still had greatness in him that he still had a destiny to fulfill dreams to accomplish when he saw Jesus crossing the lake he thought I’m gonna, stop in I’m gonna keep him from getting here. There is a fight for your destiny, but what I want you to see if it’s not your battle, God is fighting for you.
The enemy has positioned, the giants, pharaohs,the storms they looks too big, don’t worry, God controls all of them. He overrides every negative force. The winds that are trying to stop you from your destiny- God is speaking to them. Right now, breakthroughs are coming. Healing is coming, freedom is coming things. You don’t have a chance you’re, not on your own. Get ready favor is coming. Victory is coming like this man you’re going to see. God will override whatever is trying to stop you, there’s no storm too strong for our God to calm. No giant too big for him to defeat. No fire too hot, that he can’t step in and bring you out.
This mad man, didn’t know that Jesus had spoken to the winds. Jesus had gone to great lengths to get to him. You don’t know how many storms, the enemy, has sent way to try to keep God from getting to you. God has been fighting for you. Your whole life. Pushing back the forces of darkness, calming storms just to get to you.
The enemy knew way back then what you were called to be. He could see the favor and anointing on your life. He could see you were destined for greatness. So he has worked overtime trying to stop your destiny through things you had no control over.
Devil doesn’t have the final say. The enemy can’t stop your life. He can’t stop your destiny. In Psalm 30:1. Lord, I praise you for you refuse to let my enemies triumph over me. Why did that problem not destroy you? God refused to let the enemy triumph. Why did that accident not harm you? God refused to let it harm you. Why did you beat that disease? Why did that unhealthy childhood not stop you? Why hasn’t that addiction finished you all?
Because God’s purpose is more powerful than the enemy’s plan. The forces of darkness cannot stop what God has ordained for you. If you only knew all the things God has refused to let happen to you, you may have had some bad breaks disappointments. But just the fact that you’re still here is a sign. God’s favor is on your life. There may be obstacles trying to stop you now. You don’t understand it. It’s because there’s greatness in you. The enemy doesn’t come against people that don’t have anything. If you weren’t a threat, he’d leave you alone.
Yes, I have big obstacles, but I know it’s because I have a big destiny, had some bad breaks, disappointments, but they could not finish me all. I’m still standing.
The enemy wouldn’t have wasted so much time and energy on you if there wasn’t something amazing in your future.
Now, do your part stay in faith? Don’t go around complaining about what didn’t work out, what you didn’t get. God is still working. He’s a God of justice. He will make up for what was unfair. He will pay you back for the wrongs that were done way back as a small child. The enemy knew my father would be the first one in our family to give his life to Christ.
He knew he would be the one to break the cycle of poverty that had limited us for generations. He knew Daddy would start Lakewood, that he would leave children and grandchildren to continue it on. No wonder he tried to stop him in the fire. No wonder his family told him all he knew how to do was pick cotton, that he could never become a minister. No wonder one church asked him to resign because his message of faith and victory didn’t fit in.
In 1 Corinthians 16:9 bible says A wide door of opportunity is open to me. And there are many adversaries. The many adversaries doesn’t mean God is forgotten and left out left you out. It’s because of the wide doors that are about to open.
It’s because of the favor that’s in your future. You can look back over your life and see things that came against you. Some that you had nothing to do with things that weren’t fair.Other times you tried to step up to a new level. You tried to set a new standard, but opposition came out after you. Things that you’ve never faced. There are forces that don’t want you to take new ground. When the enemy sees you start to make progress. He’ll send the storm. The winds, the waves. That’s when God will step up and say peace be still.
The storms cannot stop. Our God. What you’re up against is not a sign that you’re stuck. It’s a sign Promotion is coming. The storm is a sign. God is close to the shore. You’re about to see things change in your favor.
When God is fighting your battles, things will happen that don’t make sense.When he says peace be still, storms that look impossible will suddenly calm down.How do you know that adversity is not a sign that greatness is in you? Quit believing those lies that you’ve had. Too many bad breaks. Too much against you. It’s too unfair.
It doesn’t have to be fair for God to do something awesome in your life. In fact, when it’s not fair, when you’re the underdog, when the enemy’s trying to stop you, that’s when God steps up and shows out. The most wasn’t fair that David’s own family belittled him, but that didn’t stop him from taking the throne.
Fair that Joseph was thrown into a pit, lied about, put in prison. But that didn’t stop him from becoming the prime minister, wasn’t fair that Moses was born under a death threat. Parents had to hide him. But that didn’t stop him from delivered the Israelites, who says it has to be fair for you to fulfil your destiny.
No bad break has cancelled God’s plan for your life. No injustice, no disappointment, no person. The reason it’s not fair is because there’s something in you that the enemy doesn’t want out. There’s an assignment God has for you that the enemy is trying to stop an anointing and a favor that he doesn’t want you to see. The good news?He doesn’t have the final say. Now get ready to step in to your greatness.
New levels of favor, opportunity like you’ve never dream. God is taking you where you couldn’t go on your own.What you can’t see is behind the scenes.
Chains were broken off of his mind. He felt a new sense of purpose, a new sense of destiny.He knew he was no longer the son of Satan. He was the son of the most high God.When you can’t fight for yourself, you have to know God is fighting for you.He is bigger than any force that’s trying to hold you back. He’s bigger than negative words that were spoken over you. He’s bigger than the addiction. Bigger than how you were raised. Bigger than that sickness. You wouldn’t have that difficulty if there wasn’t greatness in you.
The scripture says stand still and you will see the deliverance of the Lord. You keep doing the right thing and God will take care of what’s stopping you. He’ll turn the opposition around. He’ll move the wrong people out of the way. He’ll give you the breaks you need to get you to where you’re supposed to be.I realize now the enemy doesn’t fight you for where you are. He fights you for where you’re going.I thought I would always be at the same level.
Pastor Nathaniel