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Jesus died and rose again

What If You Die Now Then What . . .

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Brethren let’s face it; we are going to die someday. “A time to be born and a time to die.” Ecclesiastes 3:2. It is just a matter of time. Look around. Babies, children, teens, young adults are dying daily around our city, our country and the world. You are not exempted!

Each of us has a set amount of time we will be on earth. Some of us have shorter lives and some have longer lives. Before we feel bad about those whose lives were cut short, it is good to remember that even those who have short lives can impact the world. Jesus lived just for 33 years, and in those 33 years, He turned the whole world upside down!

Have you even asked yourself this question?

“Suppose you were to die today and stand before God and He were to ask you, ‘What right do you have to enter into My heaven?’—what would you say?”

Are you happy with the way you’ve lived? If you were to die today and look back at your life, what would you see? would you want to change anything?

What would the people in your life who knew you closely have to say about you after you are gone – would it be good? Would it be bad?

Have you forgiven all the people who hurt you, abused you or betrayed you – the way Jesus said we should forgive others? Would God be proud of the person you have become?

Have you grieved God by your thoughts, words, actions, deeds and the way you conducted yourself with others? Have you asked God’s forgiveness for the sins you have committed against Him?

What is the legacy you are leaving behind for the generation to come? Have you taught them what you learned from this life, have you taught them well?

Brethren I know that most of us have never thought about death, the end, we have never thought this time could be the last time. What if we are not ready to go? What if we are still having stuff to do, hugs to give, “I love you” to say?

​Most people don’t think about dying until they get old. Some people try to suppress or deny it throughout their life, but their conscience still speaks to them. “Where DO I end up when I die…REALLY?”

It is very sad to get to know about people whose lives were not well lived. It is a greater grief when we have to carry on a legacy of our forefathers that we would be ashamed of.

The Bible tells us of stories about men and women who did good and bad. God has not hidden the flaws of these people. e.g., priest Eli’s sons were punished by God for the wicked things they did.

Brethren we all have the responsibility to live a good and godly live that honour God.

Pastor Nathaniel

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