Table of Contents
ToggleRomans 15:4, For everything that was written in the past, was written to teach us, so that through the endurance taught in the Scriptures and the encouragement they provide, we might have hope.
1 Corinthians 10:11, All these things happened to them as examples for others, and they were written down as a warning for us. For we live at a time when the end is about to come.
Everything in the Bible is written for me and you, so we must follow it
Moses took them from Egypt (In Moses’s Generation)
During the days of Moses, it was Moses’s generation that ruled.
This generation was full of complaining, Exodus 16:8, for even basic things and didn’t want to forge a relationship with God. They saw God as an ATM to dish out whatever they wanted or otherwise, they would rebel.
They were used to the Egyptian lifestyle and didn’t understand the kind God they had and no wonder they kept referring to Egypt saying Egypt this and Egypt that
Exodus 16:3, The Israelites said to them, “If only we had died by the LORD’s hand in Egypt! There we sat around pots of meat and ate all the food we wanted, but you have brought us out into this desert, to starve this entire assembly to death.” This generation never truly loved God and they still loved their other gods in various forms some (drugs, drinking, etc)

So in Deuteronomy 30:15, Moses wanted them to make a choice but they were not ready yet. Remember they had been with the enemy (who were the Egyptians) for a long time, to the point that they lost their godly identity.
During this time, they saw God’s goodness and mercy to the level that they accepted it. They had a limited view of God and they only heard and saw Canaan land from a distance and never entered it or enjoyed what came from there. They heard about the stories of how the land flowed with milk and honey (Exodus 3:17), but they also heard that there were giants in that land too.
Numbers 14: 30-31, Most knew about this promised land but never entered it.
It is one thing to know about something and yet another thing to have it. It is because there were no new levels to conquer, there wasn’t anything new, so no giants and no milk and honey except for the usual manna. Instead, they kept going around one place. Deuteronomy 2:3 ‘You have circled this mountain long enough. Now turn north,” (No wonder you are stuck.)
Joshua took them to the promised land (In Joshua’s Generation)
Joshua 24:14-15, Choose whom you will serve. These people still wanted to be in two generations at a time, Moses’s generation and Joshua’s generation, but Joshua told them to make a choice.

Revelation 3:15-16, If you are neither hot nor cold God will spit you out of his mouth. We must at one point and time make a choice.
Remember there are so many generations to choose from, the only problem is which one is the right one. Then came Joshua who made the people make a choice and that was Joshua’s generation. They made a choice to enter the land and enjoy the promises.
After they entered Canaan land they forgot which generation they belonged to and started to do the wrong things they used to do, and so God destroyed them. Sometimes we start to have negative thoughts that maybe we made the wrong choice saying to ourselves “I should go back”, but This is wrong, because you are going to dream and see the dream come true.
What no one did in your family you are going to do it. Psalms 34:8 says Taste and see the lord is Good, you are going to taste those promises like the Israelites. So, prepare to go to new levels but with those new levels comes new devils and giants to conquer.
According to Joshua 1:8, Joshua knew that all these promises needed the hand of God in them that is why he told them to make a choice and also to read the scriptures (Bible).
It is Because you are born again you will be the barrier breaker and trendsetter. What stopped your family will not stop you, because you are a new generation. You are going to take the ground that you never thought possible, reachable, and even attainable. Yes, I know you saw things that way and thought that they can’t be changed but that is about to change.
God is not limited by the economy of the world, your education or system, or your family background, God is bigger than that and can break protocol just to bless you. You may not see a way, but God is the way. Just look at the case of the wall of Jericho and the red sea, there wasn’t a way, but God made one.
You are going to get generational blessings, you are going to tap into what they saw and believed, remember God used them to prepare the ground for you.
Deuteronomy 6:11 Remember God is a promise keeper that is why you will enjoy some blessings that you never worked for, but others prayed for and laboured for them in the spirit. You are going to reap a harvest from seeds you never sowed. Some of these blessings have a generational name and they are coming your way.
How did this happen? God’s way Joshua 24:12-13. There are so many things that you will get that you didn’t work for.
Remember others laid the foundation but you will be built on it. If you can do it by yourself then it’s not what I am talking about, what I am talking about is too great, expensive, complicated, etc. You are not going to bribe or force things. Our God is a far-out God and even if you might not be the most educated but just believe in him. Where you are, is not the end it’s just the beginning. Yes, you might have some giants or red seas ahead of you but our God is much greater than them.
Jesus is taking you from Canaan land to heaven ( In Jesus’s Generation)
John 14:12 Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these because I am going to the Father. Then Jesus sent the last and final generation and that is the Jesus generation.

Jesus reminds us that if we follow him we do great miracles. Many of us are stuck in the Moses generation and we don’t want to move forward. We don’t want to change no matter what but we still want God to bless us and give us miracles.
1 Corinthians 3:2 I gave you milk, not solid food, for you were not yet ready for it. Indeed, you are still not ready.
John 16:12 I still have much to tell you, but you cannot yet bear to hear it.
While just like Paul said we should be eating meat in short we should be mature in the spirit and either in the Joshua generation or on our way to Jesus’ generation.
Pastor Nathaniel