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monitoring spirits

Monitoring Spirits: 52 Prayers To Destroy Them Now

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The weapons we use in our battle against the kingdom of evil and its monitoring spirits are not carnal, as stated in 2 Corinthians 10:4. Instead, they are so strong that they can uproot and tear down, destroy, and overthrow any evil spirit known to us (Jeremiah 1:10). Rather, as Jesus instructed His disciples in Mark 9:29, we fight with warfare prayers offered in the name of Jesus Christ (Matthew 28:18).

Below are some of the things you should avoid in order not to attract the operations of monitoring spirits into your home:

What Can Attract Monitoring Spirits into Your Life?

Monitoring Spirits
Monitoring Spirits have ruined many lives
  1. Sinful behavior, such as lying, stealing, adultery, and other behaviors contrary to Christian teachings. (Galatians  5:19)
  2. Unforgiveness: Holding onto bitterness, resentment, or refusing to forgive others (Mark 11:24–26)
  3. Lack of faith in Christ (Psalms 106:24).
  4. Occult Involvement: Involvement in occult practices, witchcraft, or any form of divination. (Leviticus 19:31)
  5. Disobedience against the Word of God Deuteronomy 28:1-3
  6. Lack of Prayer and Spiritual Discipline: Neglecting regular prayer, Bible study, and other spiritual disciplines can leave a person spiritually vulnerable.
  7. Associating with Ungodly Influences: Maintaining close associations with individuals engaged in ungodly practices or behaviors (1 Corinthians 15:33)

Monitoring Spirits: 52 Sure Signs Of An Attack Now (

Let us pray

1. O Lord, forgive me of anything I have done in the past or am currently doing that is attracting monitoring spirits into my life, in Jesus name.
2. My Father! My Father! Send your flaming angels with their swords to go and uproot and cut into pieces every evil monitoring seed planted into my life by demonic monitoring spirits, monitoring me in order to report my prayer life and move to the demonic world, in Jesus name.

3. By the power of the Holy Ghost, I command the destruction of every demonic instrument and gadget, be it the evil eye, crystal ball, or even evil mirrors used to monitor my life, career, and business, and (mention anything else of value to you here), I sprinkle the blood of Jesus on them to permanently blind them, in Jesus name.

4. My Father! My Father! Let your consuming fire fall upon each and everyone who is gathering anywhere to monitor my career, business, and (mention anything else here) and let them be destroyed, in Jesus name.

5. By the power in the name of Jesus, I decree and declare the total destruction of every satanic stronghold of darkness, sponsoring evil spirits in the form of satanic police to monitor my marriage, career, business, and (mention anything else here), in Jesus name.

6. My Father! My Father! Let your thunder roar and deafen the evil listening ears of the monitoring spirits and their agents. Destroy every evil structure erected around my home, office, and business in order to monitor my activities, in Jesus’ name.

7. Let the fire of the Holy Ghost burn to ashes every satanic material in whatever form that is connecting my house, business, and office to the demonic world, in Jesus name.

8. My Father! My Father!  Put an edge of protection around me, my children, my business, and my career to block the monitoring spirits any access. Let every blessing or miracle that has been stolen as a result of these monitoring activities be restored 100-fold, in Jesus name.

9.  Let the Blood of Jesus disconnect me, my children, my career, and my business from any known and unknown covenants and curses of my father’s and mother’s house that have been used by these monitoring spirits in Jesus’ name.

10. Powers who come from my village transforming into birds to attack me and scatter by fire in the name of Jesus. Monitoring agents, become blind, deaf, and dumb, in Jesus name.

11. My Father! My Father! Send your warring angels to go and destroy the monitoring spirits working hand in hand with men and women who are making incantations at midnight to cage my glory, advancement, miracles, and anything else good, in Jesus’ name.

12. Evil Monitoring spirits I am not your candidate; therefore, go back to your sender and torment them, in Jesus’ name.

13. My Father! My Father! Send your lightning to blind every evil monitoring spirit that is monitoring my progress in Jesus’ name.

14. My Father! My Father! Send your warring angels to go and destroy every communication system used by evil monitoring spirits to monitor my life, and let the angels cause confusion against them in Jesus’ name.

15. My Father! My Father! Send fire from heaven, as in the days of Elijah, to burn to ashes every evil altar, shrine, or demonic church where my picture, clothes, nails, and hairs were taken, and let every satanic mirror being used to monitor my life explode in Jesus name.

16 By the power in the name of Jesus, I decree and declare that every evil monitoring spirit assigned to follow me around from one place to another, that your assignment is over, in Jesus’ name.

17. O Lord, you created the waster that destroys; let your waster destroy every evil monitoring spirit that is monitoring me in order to report my prayers and move to the demonic world, in Jesus’ name.

18. In the name of Jesus, I decree and declare that every evil crystal ball, evil mirror, black cloth, or magic water that is being used to monitor my life, my family, and even my career to break into pieces! In Jesus’ name.

19. By the power in the blood of Jesus, let every evil handshake and embrace I have encountered be nullified and its evil effect over my life In Jesus name.

20 My Father! My Father! Send your angels to come and chase anyone and anything that represents monitoring spirits in my life, career, and business, in Jesus name.

monitoring spirit
monitoring spirit can damage your life

21. In the name of Jesus, I command that every evil spirit orchestrating evil against my daily life through a monitoring spirit, to catch fire and burn to ashes, in Jesus name.

22. Let the blood of Jesus block my destiny, career, and business from being accessed by monitoring spirits for evil purposes, in Jesus name.

23. My Father! My Father! I command all altars of darkness sponsoring monitoring spirits against me and my family to catch fire now, in Jesus name.

24. In the mighty name of Jesus, I command every evil animal, insect, or bird assigned to listen to my conversations to become instantly deaf.

25. In the mighty name of Jesus, I receive total restoration, everywhere the powers of darkness have misrepresented me, my career and my business, in Jesus name

26. Every household enemy that is supplying the demonic kingdom with my secret information, I command you to lose your peace until you stop doing that in Jesus name.

27. My Father! My Father! Put an edge of protection around my children to protect them from every evil monitoring spirit assigned against them, in Jesus name.

28. O Lord, contend with every evil spirit contending against me and my family, in Jesus name.

29. My Father! My Father! Send you warring angels to come and destroy every spiritual radar installed at any object in my house that is connecting my home to the altars of darkness, in Jesus name.

30. Every thing I have lost to the powers of darkness due to evil monitoring, I command it to be restored in ten folds in Jesus name.

Vagabond spirit
Vagabond spirit can destroy your life

31. In the name of Jesus, all the operations of monitoring spirits and manipulative spirits shall no longer operate successfully in my home, career, and business again.

32. In the mighty name of Jesus, I decree and declare total destruction of all the demonic armies and satanic policemen standing at my door in order to check and know who comes to visit me and bring me spiritual as well as material help, in Jesus name.

33. I take charge of my surroundings, and I shut the doors of my home against the monitoring spirit and the powers of darkness, in Jesus name.

34. My Father! My Father! surround my career, business, and all my other relationships with your fire to prevent every evil representative of the demonic kingdom who is sent to destroy them, in Jesus name.

35. By the power in the blood of Jesus, I command every satanic oath that has been taken on my behalf that has introduced the activities of monitoring spirit into my life to lose power now, in Jesus name.

36. Let the fire of God burn to ashes every monitoring spirit together with their evil monitoring spirit agents now, in Jesus name.

37. In the mighty name of Jesus, I command every demonic flying insects, crawling insects, cockroaches, rats, cats, dogs, jiggers, bedbugs, snakes, houseflies, and many others that are in my house and in my family acting as monitoring spirits to catch fire and die now in Jesus name.

38. By the power in the precious blood of Jesus, I break free from every attack of the devil; I speak total blindness to every evil eye, monitoring my star and the progress of my life in Jesus name.

39. According to Psalm 1:5, I scatter into desolation every gathering of the council of the wicked against my destiny in Jesus name.

40. My Father! My Father! Send your warring angels to completely destroy each and every evil power that is using the birds, rats, spiders, and wall geckos to monitor whatever I am doing in my home. in Jesus name.

41. As You did for Prophet Elisha in the book of 2 Kings 6:18, O Lord, strike with blindness those evil powers of my father’s and mother’s house that are against my progress in life; and let them not see my progress again, in Jesus name,

42. In the mighty name of Jesus let every monitoring spirit that is listening to my conversations so as to rely them to them to witches to harm be catch fire and die, in Jesus name,

43. In the name of Jesus, I command all the monitoring spirits that don’t want me to walk into my miracles to fall down and die now, in Jesus name.

44. I claim my portion in Christ Jesus by fire, monitoring spirits working against my career or business be confused and shattered in Jesus name.

45. Monitoring spirits causing stagnation in my life and the lives of my other family members, we refuse to be subject to your stagnation, so catch fire and die, in Jesus name.

46. O Lord, rescue me from the pit of monitoring strongholds causing affliction in my life, According to Genesis 19:24 Let the fire of God rain and burn all of them now and forever, in Jesus name!

47. Let the fire from the throne of God utterly burn all witchcraft mirrors (including the black mirrors of the mermaid spirits), evil screens of cellphones, computers, TVs, and cameras, dolls or effigy, needles, charms, spells, blood, body fluids, hair, nails, clothing items, photos, and all evil monitoring gadgets and items used by the kingdom of darkness to connect to me, my church, and my pastor; let the Lord rain upon them brimstone and fire from heaven in Jesus’ name!

48. After the order of Exodus 7:17–18, I command all the wicked waters of oceans, glaciers, ground waters, lakes, seas, soil moisture, atmosphere, rivers, dams, streams, and fountains operating against me to turn into blood now in the name of Jesus. I say to the demons living in these waters: You do not have water to drink, and I command you to drink the blood of Jesus and die now in Jesus’ name.

49. I denounce every covenant with the evil guardian spirits assigned to me. With the blood of Jesus Christ, I nullify their spiritual authority and power over me and my house. I blot out their evil assignment against me and cut all evil connections with me. I command you, evil monitoring spirit, to die now by the sword of the word of God in Jesus’ name. 

50. Father! My Father! , please blind every evil eye and cut off every demonic tongue that has been assigned to speak evil against my progress and the progress of my family, in Jesus name.

51. You evil eyes are monitoring me from the kingdom of darkness; I command you to go blind now by fire. Let every evil plantation in my business, career, and family, through the operation of the monitoring spirit, be uprooted now by fire in Jesus name.

52. I surround myself and my children with the fire of the Holy Ghost; any evil spirit that comes around us will be consumed by fire in Jesus name, Amen

Pastor Nathaniel

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